Why H2O should be your drink?

Why H2O should be your drink?


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By Fostering Families

Who   doesn’t   crave   cold   soda   and   warm   sugary   drinks   at times?  But   not   only   are   these   expensive,   compared   to   water, they   can   also   affect   your   health   says   Sarah   Rodrigues.

The   human   body   may   seem   substantial   –   a   mass   of   bone,   muscle   and skin   –   but   as   we   know,   it   is   largely made   up   of   water.   Around   60   percent   of   an   adult   human   is   water–   that   is   more   than   half!

People   excrete   water   on   a   daily basis   mostly   through   sweat and   urine   but   even   through breathing!   Because   of   this,   it is   important   to   keep   replacing those   fluids. But   why?   What   function   does water   serve   in   our   bodies?

Water   would   not   be   present   in our   bodies   if   it   were   not   needed for   human   health   and   wellbeing. Every   single   cell   and organ   of   the   body   needs   water to   function   properly.   Ninety per   cent   of   our   blood   is   water and   it   is   necessary   for   carrying oxygen   around   the   body,   so keeping   your   blood   healthy   and circulating   well   is   vital.

Water   is   also   needed   to   make our   food   consumption   work properly:   if   we   eat   without drinking   water,   the   digestive system   is   affected.   It   cannot   get the   nutrients   from   the   food   that it   needs,   and   it   cannot   expel waste   efficiently,   which   leads   to constipation   and   stomach   aches.

According   to   a   study   published in   the   American   Journal   of Clinical   Nutrition,   drinking


water also makes you smarter! Imagine your brain as a sponge. When it is shrivelled up and dried out, it is less able to take in the goodness of what you are learning at school. Keeping it well hydrated makes it far more receptive to knowledge – meaning that your memory and ability to think clearly are boosted.

This is why dehydration or the deficit of water in the body leads to fatigue. If you think about doing something that involves energy on an empty stomach, you would probably think that was foolish, wouldn’t you? It may come as a surprise to many that water is just as important as food not just for sports and performances, but also for everyday life. When you are not sufficiently hydrated, it means that you – your brain, your body, everything – have to work harder to keep functioning. This is tiring, in the same way that ordinary tasks are more tiring when you have not had enough sleep.

Although we may feel the effects of these processes, the processes themselves are happening on the inside - and it’s easy to ignore things that we can’t easily see. So what about the external effects of not drinking enough water? Water is fantastic for your skin. Think of a sponge: do you want your skin to look like a thirsty, parched one or a plump, moisturised one? The latter, of course. Although you can use loads of products on your face to help it look smoother and dewier, the best thing you can do for your skin is to nourish it from the inside with what you drink=. Water also plays a huge role in keeping skin clear and blemishfree. This is because it carries waste throughout the body, allowing it to get rid of toxins that can cause skin problems. Imagine the difference between a running stream and a pool of stagnant water. Water running frequently through your body enables your skin to be like the stream, rather than the pool.

“Drinking water hydrates the cells once it is absorbed into the bloodstream and is filtered by the kidneys,” explains dermatologist Margarita Lolis, MD. “So, at the cellular level, drinking water is great as it flushes the system and hydrates our bodies overall.

But why isn’t it just enough to drink fluids like soft drinks, juices, coffee or tea? Why does it have to be water?

These other drinks – soft drinks and juices in particular – are.  often full of sugar, and even the low-sugar varieties may contain lots of chemicals. Therefore, even though they are putting liquid into your body, they are also putting toxins into your body. Sugar, for example, can affect the quality of your skin, as well as causing weight gain and tooth decay. Coffee and tea contain caffeine, which causes dehydration – the complete opposite of what water does! It is fine to consume these beverages for a break, but they should not make up the bulk of your fluid intake.

So how much water is the right amount? Most people, including doctors in the United Kingdom, agree that you should aim for around two litres each day or about eight regular-sized glasses. This is a good baseline, but you may need more if you are physically active, or if the weather is very warm. It is also a good rule to drink before you feel thirsty, as well as when you are hungry and before you eat, since the brain often confuses thirst signals with hunger ones, leading to the unnecessary snacking.

So, reach for that glass of water and junk the juice.

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